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The editors at Associates Degree in Nursing decided to research the topic of: School Makes Me Sick: How to Fake IllnessKids these days- an estimated 10% of school-aged children fake an illness to get out of school - 5% of children, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, suffer from 'school phobia,' a serious form of school avoidance that causes children to really feel physically ill at the thought of attending school Tricking the School Nurse- Be consistent - In the morning, claim to have a sore throat and ask for cough drops - later, tell the nurse you have a sore throat, headache, and ache all over - make sure you fit at least 3 criteria for the target illness, but don't overdo it with medical terms - pair your symptoms appropriately - don't try to combine a stomach ache with an earache. - Ride the sick bandwagon - cite the same symptoms of classmates or family members who have been recently sick - Give them credit - School nurses have seen it all - They're on to you: 77% of healthcare providers said 1/4 or more of their patients omitted facts or lied, and 28% estimated 1/2 or more of their patients do Best Illness to Fake - the trick here is to be as contagious as possible- Pink eye - how to do it: rub a small amount of red lipstick and hair gel along the lids of one eye (not both) - Diarrhea and gas - admitting to more embarrassing symptoms, will make your story more believable - Be like everybody else - notice if there is a particular illness going around and claim the same symptoms Oldest tricks in the book - don't make common these mistakes- Don't overdo it: Don't fake snore, don't make fake vomit - Don't ask the nurse to call your parents, have her suggest it to you. - Don't fake an illness a nurse can prove you don't have (ie an ear infection) - Know your acting skill level - Oscar-level illness to fake: vomiting, sprained ankle (or similar injury), fevers Faking a Fever - faking a fever is the quickest way to get sent home, unless you get caught- claim to feel sleepy - lowered body temperature makes you feel drowsy. - Make your forehead warmer: - bury your face in a pillow and breath heavily - will cause you to look flushed - Make your mouth warmer: - While in the bathroom, put hot water in your mouth and swallow the hot water before the nurse takes your temp. - A mercury thermometer can be vigorously shaken to make the temperature appear higher - the infant setting on some digital thermometers will read slightly higher - Make your hands clammy: - Ferris style: cough into your hands and lick your palms These tricks aren't just for kids- In the US, 52% of employees admit to calling in sick to work when they were not actually sick. - Other countries: China with 71%, India with 62%, Australia with 58%, Canada with 52%, the U.K. with 43%, and Mexico with 38% and France with 16%. - why? employees felt stressed/needed a day off: 62% in the U.S. Other reasons selected included needing to take care of a sick child, having too heavy a workload, and not having enough paid leave. - So, how did they spend their day off? The top two activities in the US were staying home and watching TV or staying in bed. - Unscheduled absences, like when an employee calls in sick at the last minute, cost organizations 8.7% of payroll each year source: - In a 2009 survey, 28% of patients surveyed acknowledged sometimes lying to their health-care provider or omitting information. - Patients ages 25 to 34 were more likely to lie than older patients, according to a 2004 online survey of 1,500 respondents conducted by consumer medical news website. And men were two times as likely to get caught lying as women. ![]() |